Oct 20, 2023Liked by Rachel Haywire

Agree with your understanding of Nietzsche.

I understand BAP the same way.

Art and virtue come from passionate individualism not sterile, mindless conformity.

Regarding her comments about Hareidi Jew ...she seems highly misinformed about us .(I'm Hareidi)

Would love to debate her via substack but alas money is a bit tight now and the Rothschild's wealth doesn’t seem come my way😉

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I'd love to learn more about being Hareidi. Perhaps I could interview you about it sometime.

Maybe we could call the Rothschilds up and ask them for some help. We've gotta have some connections to such a huge family, right? They need to get back to our messages!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Rachel Haywire

Sounds cool.

Yeah...and the Jew that runs the space-lasers ghosted me...not sure why...

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The idea that “Haredi” jews are the most zionist is beyond laughable, considering how the ideology of zionism since the very beginning has been strictly secular at the very least, and often rabidly anti-religious. Hardly surprising considering the openly heretical beliefs zionism espouses, marketing itself as some kind of messiah.

As a right-wing inclined member of the Jewish faith, i’d really like to be able to feel that i can work together with traditional Christians towards common political and civilizational goals, and I promise i hold none of the resentment towards them that they seem to think we all have.

But it would be a lot easier to trust them if they weren’t constantly trying to convert me to their religion!

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So many emotions stirred with this conversation. Just for the record, Samara, the Jews were hated long before Christ. My own theory for the hatred is that the Romans didn’t like this idea of 10 commandments and 1 G-d. The Romans were happy with orgies, murder and a god for soup. Also, Samara, the Jews have been living on that tiny sliver of land for about 3000 years. There are many artifacts from 3000 years ago with menorahs and Magen David’s. Just google it. Also, in 1920 when the British mandated the area, Palestine, there were Jews already living there. They were considered Palestinian Jews. People seem to have this notion that there wasn’t one Jew living in Israel in 1946 and all of a sudden Bam, all these white Jews moved in and stole land from the Arabs. This could not be farther from the truth. Today 60-70% of Israelis are people of color. Most Jews in Israel are Sephardic and Mizrahi. I’m super curious about Luke’s band.

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omg Rachel - thank you for doing this bit of dialogue! I admire your response in every way.

As a former evangelical/fundamentalist christian for 40 years, I found Samara's words hauntingly familiar. There is a strange relationship between evangelicals and Israel. While they generally support the nation and the people, this support comes with some strings.

First, they long for all Jews to become christians, which will make them 'fulfilled' Jews, as in fulfilling all biblical prophecy. Second, they want Israel to continue to exist because its very existence is a proof text for biblical prophecy. Third, any time there is war in the Middle East they get excited/nervous as it might, finally, indicate fulfillment of the prophecies in the book of Revelations. The end times might finally be here! So exciting, war and death and the rapture and plagues and all. Then the millennial reign and a New Jerusalem, which will be inhabited by christians. So basically Israel is just exercising 'squatters rights' and holding on to the land for the evangelicals, who will eventually inherit it.

The Rothschild fascination is just a bonus thing, more fringe than typical evangelical belief, but I used to gravitate to that fringe so am more familiar w/ her ranting than I want to be.

Having said all that, I was, until fairly recently, a progressive who bought into the whole 'open-air-prison/apartheid' rhetoric. As I shed christianity I also had shed my affinity for Israel, which had always been tied to those weird evangelical beliefs. I supported BDS and avoided any company or product based in Israel. I was not anti-semitic, but definitely anti-zionist/anti-Israel/pro-palestinian.

Like a lot of people, Oct. 7 caused me to stop and rethink my positions on Israel. I have decided that I can support Israel without having to support evangelicalism, and I can hate jihadism without hating all of Islam. And once again I find myself in this strange no-man's land in the center.

Enough of my rambling. Thank you for this post. I am now off to further explore your stack!

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Thank you for sharing your journey with me. I feel like it would make a great autobiography. I’m glad you enjoyed this, and am happy you are here. It is perspectives and experiences like yours that lead us to a greater understanding of the world.

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5 points:

1) Haredi (Ultra orthodox) Jews are not Zionists, though they are living off from the Israeli taxpayer.

These are minority in Israel.

2) Most Zionists are either secular (Moderate Liberal) Jews or Semi-religious (Moderate conservative) Jews. These are majority in Israel.

3) Modern antisemitism (like Samara's) is focused against Zionism (Jewish self determination),

and it is rooted in fundamental Islamist societies like that in Iran, Gaza strip and south Lebanon.

4) At the past, present, and future, Elitist MSM whom you've engaged with, serve as the mouthpieces of Nihilistic Jihad terror organizations, thus promoting the cause of Islamist fundamentalism.

Therefore, You should be thankful for being an independent content producer rather than a corrupt media stooge.

5) For more Information, see collaboration of Nazi Germany and Islamist fundamentalism:


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All accurate.

Also, while it may be true that Haredim on net are living off the Israeli welfare state, they are also the only reason that the Jewish population of Israel is able to keep up an above-replacement birthrate, which secular populations across the west have been failing at for decades by now. So there’s good reason for the state to “put up with them”.

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Very well done, Rachel!

And for anyone reading who is unsure, let me just clear it up: Samara is a flat-out antisemite. If anyone needs it explained to them why then I’m happy to do so. Or you could just read the IHRA working definition of antisemitism... https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definitions-charters/working-definition-antisemitism

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Thx David for posting this. I tried to educate with my comment below. Ya never know when a mind can be changed, if the door is slightly ajar. Sadly some opinions and beliefs don’t come with a door or window.

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"We are never going to have any power in the grand scheme of things."

Grieving and being resentful at Rothschild and Soros is what empowered them in the first place. Instead try to mock those Elitist caricatures.

“The greatest enemy of authority, therefore, is contempt, and the surest way to undermine it is laughter.” - Hannah Arendt

Furthermore, you do have the power to decide if you want to befriend with losers like Samara, or not.

Hint: History is written by winners.

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Make no mistake: the Far-right is planning the destruction and purge of Islam in the west.

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Are you saying this positively or negatively? I can’t tell anymore. Lots of people on the far-right are more anti-Semitic than anti-Islam.

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I read Anti-Islamic Terror being the main recruitment for far-right at the moment. It really pisses people off to have organized rape gangs and "no-go" zones in their cities.

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